
Liquid Panthenol

What’s it used for?
In topical cosmetics, product manufacturers often use panthenol as a moisturizer. But it’s also included in many cosmetics as a softening, soothing, and anti-irritant agent. It also helps your skin build up a barrier against irritation and water loss.

Skin products
Vitamin B-5 is essential for a healthy diet, skin, and hair. It makes sense that panthenol, its derivative, is a staple of many skin care products, such as lotions and cleansers. It’s also found in cosmetics as various as lipstick, foundation, or even mascara. Panthenol also appears in creams made to treat insect bites, poison ivy, and even diaper rash.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information lists panthenol as a skin protectant with anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve skin’s hydration, elasticity, and smooth appearance. It also soothes:

red skin
little cuts or sores like bug bites or shaving irritation
Panthenol helps with wound healing, as well as other skin irritations like eczema.

Hair products
Hair care products include panthenol because of its ability to improve your hair’s:


It can also help protect your hair from styling or environmental damage by locking in moisture.

One study found that panthenol may help slow down and hide the look of thinning hair. The study tested it with other active ingredients as a leave-in treatment.

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